What are the signs of teething?
The first time we knew something was going on was when Connor tried to bite me and instead of feeling his soft gums gnashing down on me, two sharp pointy teeth bit right into my hand. I yelped and he looked at me and burst into laughter. In this second blog I will go over the usual signs and symptoms we see in teething babies.
What are the symptoms of teething?
- Gums are sore and red where the tooth is coming through.
- One cheek is red, rosy or glowing.
- Rubbing their ear.
- Drooling and dribbling more than usual.
- Rash around the mouth.
- Constantly chewing on things.
- More restless or agitated than usual.
- Loss of appetite.
- Mild temperature.
- Disrupted Sleep.
- Coughing & Diarrhea – Can be caused by increases saliva due to the teething.
What can you give a teething baby?
Teething rings or chewing beads give your baby something to chew on which can ease the discomfort. Teething rings can be cooled in the fridge, which can soothe their gums. Do not put these in the freezer as putting something frozen in your baby’s mouth could damage their gums or be very sore for them.
Teething gels contain a local anaesthetic which can soothe the irritated gum however there is a lack of evidence that these are effective. You can speak to your pharmacist to give you advice on the types of teething gels they sell.
Homoeopathic gels are also available, however, according to the NHS, there is no evidence these are effective. They state that if using a homoeopathic gel make sure it is licensed for use in your country.
Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be given to babies of 3 months or older if they are in pain. Make sure you use a sugar-free painkilling medicine and always follow the instructions, which come with the medicine. If you are not sure, call us at Talk to a Dentist or contact your dentist or doctor.
Can I use Calpol for teething? Yes, you can use Calpol for teething. Calpol contains Paracetamol, which acts as a painkiller. Make sure you use a sugar-free version if available and always follow the instructions, which come with the medicine.
Can teething affect a baby’s nappy?
Yes, it can. Babies can suffer from teething-induced diarrhoea, which can result in nappy rash. It is believed that this may be caused by your baby having increased saliva due to the teething, which can result in looser stools. Nappy rash is caused by the baby’s skin coming into contact with stool or urine, which can irritate the skin. To prevent the rash occurring try keeping the area as dry a possible and use a simple barrier cream. Personally we always found Sudocrem the best.